otrdiena, 2011. gada 27. decembris

Moar lyrics, zzz.

Believe, believe, there’s magic here tonight.
Believe, believe!

It was an awfully quiet night
The sharp cold air made my cheeks blush
Without thinking, I would always glare at you
“…It’s not my fault, y’know?”
That’s what your face said

It was this innocuous moment
That I felt I would remember for life

In this night of twinkling stars
I wished for one thing
‘Please, if this time could just continue’
If we could look up and see the same sky
Then maybe at least the important things
Will always be by our side
That’s what I had thought

These feelings are always one-sided
They can’t be passed along
I thought I had at least figured that out
You always were slow
I’m just always so angry
That’s probably how you see it, right?

In this world full of difficulties
You are here
That’s all I need to live on for another day

In this night of twinkling stars
each of the two were alone
As though trying to share the pain we bear
If we look up and see the same sky now
Then I have to say something
But what should I say?

“Hey, I want to see a shooting star”
The fingers jokingly waved through the air
Drew a beautiful tail
As though it were magic

In this night of twinkling stars
I forgot one thing
As soon as I start to speak
My heart jumps with a ‘thump’
The hands that touched for an instant in the dark
Did you notice?
I guess that’s just how it goes

In this night
This night of twinkling stars

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 19. decembris

otrdiena, 2011. gada 13. decembris

That was--

Oh, shut up!.

piektdiena, 2011. gada 9. decembris


Eglīte smaržo un mirdz..
actiņās prieks,
satraukta sirds.

otrdiena, 2011. gada 6. decembris


Kas es esmu?

Does it make me weird if my favorite singer is Kanae Itou, my favorite band is Ikimono Gakari, I think there's nothing cuter than the girls in this picture

and if I see something hand-made like a ziemassvētku vainags @ my door, then I don't feel anything and I don't wanna touch it or look at it unless it sporuted 1 wing and tried to fly while it spins around in a circle on the ground?


Saruna pirms 3arpus gadiem

Šorīt kkā prātā visu laiku ir saruna, kas man bija ar Eddiju.
Par to kā būt tētim 19 gadu vecumā, anālo seksu un citām parastām, neinteresantām lietām.
Un jā tajā sarunā arī bija 2 lietas, kas man iestrēga atmiņā.

1- Saruna par one thing, kur I was like "She does it but won't let me"
un pretī dabūju "hmm.. Sounds good." kas man lika visu apdomāt un saprast ka viņam ir taisnība.
2- Vārdi "whaaat?! Dude, if THAT'S what your country does to you guys then come over to America, we'll get you a place to stay, a job and a gf. all will be great."

Jāpadomā, moš tiešām pamazām taisīties uz tīšanos prom no šejienes..

Also wonder how Ben is doing, cik atceros viņiem tieši apm tagad vajadzētu taisīt savu ceļojumu pa eiropu.


pirmdiena, 2011. gada 5. decembris

wow.. haha :D

Es tikko kaut ko sapratu.
Like literally 2 minutes ago.
Kaut ko tādu, ko man laikam vajadzēja saprast, kad to pirmo reizi redzēju.. like.. 2 years ago? :D
Fucking wow.
Fucking hate lasīt starp rindiņām. hahaha :D
Šitas ir tāds šokeris ka pilnīgi gribās ierakties dziļāk, lai būtu sasniegts vēl viens solis, lai beidzot saprast savu pagātni. But I won't. Šoreiz nē.


P.S. Ak šie vārdi