trešdiena, 2009. gada 30. septembris

I broke my word today, And didn't notice it till it was too late.

Mja, pirmkārt, as the title says.
Secondkārt, Sveicināti pacani un šmaras <3.
Thirdkārt, likās interesants šodienas dialogs kurš bija apm tāds
N- Kura?
P- Tā.
N- Tā!? Nu nē..! Es 100% viņu kaut kur esmu redzējusi, pie tam esmu pat pārliecināta ka esmu ar viņu runājusi.. bāc es tikai neatceros kur.

Small world I guess.

Other than that. Bija prieks redzēt Kasparu ūn Jurčiks bija superīgs. Tiešām prieciņš, bet kaut kas bija šķībi, ne tā kā ierasts.. ionno, it's weird. Kgan vismaz viena lieta bija kā agrāk, nav bijusi vēl nevieeena reize, kad es hamletā nebūtu saticis kādu pazīstamu. Pietam funny story - šis cilvēks man sēdēja tieši priekšā. :D

Un vēl - užavas alus tajā bāriņā bija sucks. :P
Good night.

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 28. septembris

Never take us alive.

Sometimes I feel like I'm from another world,
And everything I want in life seems impossible.
Cause people they'll tear you apart.
But in the bottom of our hearts,
The dream's alive inside.
And we won't forget...

So we say...

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We run this town
We'll stand, we'll fight, set fires all night.
You'll never take us alive

For the last time I'll give myself to the enemy,
By letting their words just walk all over me.
Cause people they'll tear you apart,
If you are not like them.
And we are different.
Let the war begin.

So we say...

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We run this town
We'll stand, we'll fight, set fires all night.
You'll never take us alive

There's no fear inside.
This is our time, no giving up.
When we connect our hearts, to our minds,
There's no stopping us.

So we say...

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We run this town
We'll stand, we'll fight, set fires all night.

svētdiena, 2009. gada 27. septembris

Divided we stand, Together we fall.

Sõ, ir pus 12it ūn I'm back from siguldasdienas.
Izdzīvotāju 2. sezona uzņemta ūn rūta ir nolekusi ar gumiju no vagoniņa. nespiedzot. good job. :D
Un jā, enīvei ne par to atnācu šurp rakstīt.
Braucot atpakaļ autobusā, tikko. Sēdēju un nolēmu vispār nedomāt, bet vienkārši rakstīt telefonā īsziņas veidā absolūti visu kas man ir galvā. Pa to laiku kamēr biju autobusā pierakstīju 8 īsziņas pilnas ar tekstu, or kā telefons saka, 8 lapaspuses.
Un jā, to visu pārlasot, bija interesants šokiņs, jo rakstot es tiešām galīgi nedomāju ko rakstu, ļāvu vienkārši visam nākt ārā.
Un jā, arī par to es visu te nerakstīšu, rakstīšu tikai to, ko gribēju te atstāt.
Kāročīt. Lai kā man gribētos teikt, ka tu esi izdarījusi milzīgu kļūdu, darot to ko tu esi izdarījusi, un ka tu to nožēlosi,bet tomēr ēs gluži vienkārši nevaru to teikt, vairāku iemeslu dēļ.
Pirmkārt, jo to darot, tu dari pareizi, ūn es vienkārši savā naivumā atteicos ieraudzīt. Sen jau laiks ir izzust no tavas dzīves, ūn piedod ka es to nevarēju izdarīt agrāk, kā rītdien. Bet nu jā, You kinda have my word, ka you won't hear a word from me for a vērī lõng tāim. vismaz ne kā pirmajam kas dod ziņu, par to nu es esmu parūpējies. Otrkārt, jo tev šobrīd izklausās, ka viss iet ideāli, un man patiešām prieks, nav ko man tur maisīties. Treškārt, I'm getting annoying.
Ceturtkārt, dzīve iet uz priekšu, un jā, nu tu esi pierādījusi, ka tu esi stiprāka par manīm, daudz stiprāka, ūn es to tevī apbrīnoju.
Piektkārt, gluži vienkārši - C'est la vie. Ūn jā, es biju šokā kad uzzināju, ka tie franču vārdi nenozīmē "Visu labu/atā".
So jā, pretty much visu apkopojot, I'm done, and I wish you all the best.
[14.09.09] Good Game, kiddo.


PÕZITĪVĪĪĪ. ^_________________________^'
Ūn es nevaru sagaidīt, to, kas tūlīt notiks, vai arī nenotiks. :D :D ^^
Fāk I'm lovin' this ^__^
Āāāāāāāāā ^_____^

sestdiena, 2009. gada 26. septembris


Dažreiz sarunas ar svešiniekiem dara brīnumus.
Pāldies snolli a.k.a. solvita no īrijas. :D

Here's another pity there's another chance
Try to learn a lesson but you can't.
If we can burn a city in futures and in past,
without a change our lives will never last.
Cause' we're going fast.

You can sit beside me when the world comes down, if it doesn't matter
then just turn around.
We don't need our bags and we can just leave town.
You can sit beside me when the world comes down.

What can we do better, when will we know how? A man says from a
sidewalk to a crowd.
If we can change the weather, if you want it to yourself.
If you cannot guess we all need help, yeah, I need help.

We say
We do
The lies
The truth
All I need is next to me.

You can sit beside me when the world comes down, if it doesn't matter
then just turn around.
You be the queen and i'll be your clown,
You can sit beside me when the world comes down.


Man šodien ir tik dīvains noskaņojums..
It kā viss rīts tika pavadīts domājot.
Nezinu, vai tas ir masīvo vilšanos dēļ pēdējā laikā, vai arī vienkārši nezinu no kā, bet es ievēroju, ka pāris nedēļas nu jau dzīvoju ļoti pelēcīgi.
I mean, jā kaut kas interesants jau ir noticis, bet nu, es to neuztveru tā kā būtu uztvēris agrāk. Viss ir tik garlaicīgs. Mani tiešām nekas vairs neinteresē, pazuda jebkādas ambīcijas. Negribas vairs cīnīties ne par ko. Tik dīvaini. Viss ir tik pelēcīgs, un man nemaz nav iebildumu. Sēžu mājās un man ir tik labi. Zinu ka rīt dodamies uz Siguldu, lai veidot Izdzīvotāju 2. sezonu, it kā nevaru sagaidīt, bet tajā pašā laikā.. 1 day of fun, and then what? Nākamajā dienā būs garlaicība materiālzinību pamatos. Garlaicīga diena, tad otrdiena, nasing spešal, trešdiena hamlets, ceturtdiena pirts, piektdiena poha lekcijās. Tas viss ir tik pelēcīgi, neskatoties uz to, ka kaut kas jau notiks. Ēs nezinu, gribas kaut ko vairāk, bet negribas mēģināt to panākt. Gribas, lai kaut reizi dzīvē pats atnāk. I guess I've given up on everything un kas zin kā šitas viss beigsies..

I took one big step and I looked away
And then I thought of all the things that I wanted to say
I'm always too late
You never got your story straight
I'm always up late
I think I'm everything you hate
And I will stand a broken man

Now, spin me 'round the record shop
Look at you, the record stops
Will you run, or flirt 'til it hurts?
Dance with me, with your eyes
As you scream through the aisles
Bury me a 12 inch grave
And don't you go

No need to leave the light on
There's no one here tonight
Only you and I

I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have any clue where to go
I don't know
But maybe I'll be back someday after my holiday

All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight

Ūn šitās arī ielikšu, jo biju jau piemirsis, ka šitie vārdi ir spešal.

Paper bags and plastic hearts
All are belongings in shopping carts
It's goodbye
But we got one more night
Let's get drunk and ride around
And make peace with an empty town
We can make it right

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

Tonight will change our lives
It's so good to be by your side
But we'll cry
We won't give up the fight
We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs
And they'll think it's just cause we're young
And we'll feel so alive

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

piektdiena, 2009. gada 25. septembris

We are only stupid people, Trying to be the darkest we can be.

Arī es šodien devos atvadīties no vissvarīgākā sev. Netālu no ārsta, kurš man sen jau nav bijis nepieciešams. Uz soliņa pieturā, kurā es autobusā esmu kāpis iekšā tikai 1 reizi. Sēdēju tur, un noklausījos Our song. Centos izlasīt ierakstīto soliņā tekstiņu. Šodien būs garš vakars. And I don't hate you, I never did, I never will. I know how it all went down, I guess I'll know more than you ever thought I did, and more than you think I do. But that's fine, that's why it's called finding stuff out.
Anyway, ēs esmu pateicīgs, ka man dzīvē ir cilvēks, ko es nekad neaizmirsīšu, jo nū jā, as you said, people don't forget first love's. Specially first real ones.
And oh I love you sõ much ūn to man neviens neatņems. ^___^
Smieklīgi no vienas puses, man šodien īsziņā atnāca tekstiņš, ka nevar saprast, kā cilvēki nevar ņemt mazumiņu, ko viņiem dod, jo viņi grib visu. Smieklīgi tieši tādēļ, ka dažreiz tomēr viņi ņem to mazumiņu, tikai tiešām pašu pašu mazumiņu, nevis to ko dod, bet to ko viņi var paņemt, otram nemaz nezinot, un turēt cieši cieši sev iekšā fõrever. :) Jām, vēl man pateica, ka mans attitude sucks. Nū. Ēs nezinu, man tā nešķiet, es vienkārši nevaru domāt mūžīgi pa citiem, it nemaz nepadomājot par sevi. Man tomēr arī sāpēja, sāp ūn laikam vienmēr nedaudz sāpēs, un es negribu lai tas pastiprinās, jo tas ir noticis tik daudz reižu..
Have I ever said how weird it is when you call me "Pāvel" ?
It is weird. Vēry. Bēt nu I guess par to vairs uztraukties nevajag.. ^^
Ūn jā, tu man teici, ka es laikam neuzmanīgi lasīju vēstuli, bēt nē, es lasīju uzmanīgi katru vārdu ūn redzēju katru ķeburu ko tu tur ievilki netīšām, ūn es smaidīju. Smaidīju, jo es sev galvā izgāju visam cauri, ūn atcerējos atkal visu, kā es to daru gandrīz katru dienu, tikai tagad savādāk. Un kopš šīs dienas es to visu atcerēšos tikai tā. ^^
Man pietrūks tā visa, ehh kā pietrūks, vairāk par jebko. Ūn I guess es kādu laiciņu padzīvošu pagātnē, jo neskatoties uz to, ka visi saka, ka to darīt nevar, es uzskatu, ka tas neko sliktu nenodarīs. Kapec lai nepadzīvot tajos laikos kad bija ehh tik labi. =].
Un jā, es nevaru sagaidīt to dienu, kad hamletā mēs vienreiz tomēr tiksimies, ūn es redzēšu, visdrīzāk, tavu dusmīgo skatienu, bet nu vismaz es tevi redzēšu ūn es tiešām ceru, ka man iekšā notiks kaut kas spešal, kaut gan es par to īpaši nešaubos, jo tikai tu to jebkad esi varējusi panākt tādos mērogos. Ūn es pat nevaru iedomāties, kā kāds cits cilvēks varētu to pārspēt.
Ūn jā. vēl es atceros vēstuli draugos no tevis. To garo atbildi uz manu garo vēstuli. It īpaši vārdus "bet es neko nenožēloju". Jām, es uz tiem vārdiem esmu tik daudz skatījies. Tik ilgi. Katru dienu tik pat kā. Un.. Jā, es tiem vārdiem neticu.
Gluži vienkārši tādēļ ka es nevēlos tiem ticēt, jo es nevaru teikt, ka "this story has ended in the best possible way". It had grrrrreat potential, bēt jā. Too much stuff went wrong. Stuff that could've went right. And it would've all been different, un es šobrīd šo nerakstītu. Bēt jām.. You'll always be the most special person out there for me, ūn ēs tevi neekad neaizmirsīšu.
Ūn visdrīzāk visu jauko cilvēku sejās es tāpat redzēšu tavējo. Ūn tas it nemaz nav slikti. ^_____^. Sõ jā, man galvā skan vārdi "Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend, you have been the one, you have been the one fõr me" ūn es beidzu šo ierakstu, ko visdrīzāk tu tāpat tuvākajā laikā neizlasīsi, jo šobrīd tu centies dzīvot bez manis un šeit ienākšana tam par labu nenāktu. Bet nu es ceur ka kādu dienu, tomēr izlasīsi. ^^

P.S. Otrais brauciens uz pieturu izvērtās galīgi ne tāds kā iecerēts :x :P :D

Music : FM Static - Tonight; FM Static - Moment of truth; Secondhand Serenade - Awake; Lostprophets - Always all ways; Zebrahead - Juggernauts; Jet - Look what you've done

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 24. septembris

I told you.

That I'd do stuff so you'd hate me.

Man goda vārds, šodien braucot autobusā bija baigi labā doma, ko likt šitajā virsrakstā, bet es aizmirsu >_<

Šodien uzliku skanēt savu veco pleijeri, ko neesmu uz ausīm licis jau kādu pus gadu, un.. jā.. diezgan plosošs brauciens uz lekcijām. Kārtējā nenormāli foršā lekcija pie Gailes-Sarkanes, un gājiens pāri tiltam vējainā laikā uz peldbaseinu [kas parasti man ļoti patiktu, it īpaši tādā kompānijā] nu jā. Peldbaseiniņš. Kādi 40 cilvēki kas jēgā neprot peldēt, smieklīgi. Nu ja, vismaz es varu peldēt pa priekšu un nav aiz viņiem jāčakarējās. Ēst gribas, ejam ar Kici uz olimpiju, un viņš ar tiem diviem kā vārdus es visu laiku aizmirstu jau, protams ka, nevarēja mani apturēt, kad man sākās ēdienpirkšanas mānija, jo viss uz atlaidēm, Un jā, runājot par to - fāk atcerējos, ka to rosolu vēl no somas neesmu izņēmis ārā *izdara to* ... fāk, sabojājies.
ĒĒēēēnihow, pēc gandrīz visa mokošās apēšanas došanās uz centru, kino, 3D versija, vienai no stulbākajām filmām ever. Ceļa galus vairs neskatīšos, lai gan arī iepriekšējās daļas īpaši neatceros, tik to, ka tas pats vien ir.
Nepatīk tik daudz iekšu uz asfalta. Jām, pēc tam neliela pastaiga, un rastamānu bāriņš pie space dog'a. Kāpēc gan ne. Nice. Rīt space dog'ā regeja nakts.. interesanti.. maaybe. Un jām, pēc tam esmu mājās, ūn guļu, domāju, iedomājos aiziet pārbaudīt atkal pastkastīti, un tomēr pa šodienu atnesa vēstuli, kuru atverot man bija huge shock, par daudzajām lpp.. Jām.. pamatīgs sajūtu pārplūdums, ūn noturīgākais smaids kāds vien ir bijis, pailgu laiku.. Pāris sms izsūtīti.. Piedāvājums mani ienīst, jo tas palīdz.. un patiešām palīdz, es gan uz tevi to neesmu mēginājis, kgan tu esi pārliecināta, ka esmu un to arī tagad daru, bet nu jā.. neesmu. Bet es zinu ka tas palīdz, so ja tev grūti ar šito visu samierināties [nezinu īsti kāpēc], tad jā.. I'm just saying I might help by doing some bad things, so you just have to hate me. Bet nu gan jau ka tomēr nevajadzēs. Un es tāpat nezinu ko es varetu izdarīt, un neko īpaši sliktu es tev pateikt tāpat laikam nevarētu [kas godīgi sakot ir bišk jocīgi, bet nu I guess tāds nu es esmu, un daudzi par to ir brīnijušies, jo izrādās ir cilvēki, kas ātri nomierinās un samierinās/pārdzīvo un nekad vairs uz āru neizrāda noteiktā veida sāpes.]
Here's the song of today.

I'm feeling lost,
I'm feeling like my heart's
been carved out with a spoon
put on display for all to witness this decay of me and you

Awaking and taking the cycle of breaking up
to a whole new level
Shaking and faking like you're making a hard choice not to settle
Imbedded, I'm think headed
I shredded all the letters you sent
Don't get it. why'd you let it get this far
Now we've reached the end
lights out lights out Pass the herb
lights out lights out kiss the curb
lights out lights out your heart has turned
Who's going to save me every time I crash and Burn
and I crash and burn

I'm sick of endings
I'm done pretending
I just want you back to normal
I think you don't know just how you feel
And every time you think of me
Remember how things used to be not long ago


Ill fated,I skated,
to the party faded,and I saw you there
I waited, hated, getting ignored
you stated you didn't care
Flashes of car crashed and
your ashes burning the cement
The curtain fails, last call, credits roll
we have reached the end

lights out lights out Pass the herb
lights out lights out kiss the curb
lights out lights out your heart has turned
Who's going to save you every time you crash and Burn
crash and burn

I'm sick of endings
I'm done pretending
I just want you back to normal
I think you don't know just how you feel
And every time you think of me
Remember how things used to be not long ago

Sick of endings
I'm done pretending
Tired of fighting
I'm sick of always trying

I'm feeling lost,
I'm feeling like my heart's
been carved out with a spoon
put on display for all to witness this decay of me and you
I just want you back to normal
I think you don't know just how you feel
And every time you think of me
Remember how things used to be not long ago


lights out lights out Pass the herb
lights out lights out kiss the curb
lights out lights out your heart has turned
Who's going to save me every time I crash and Burn
I crash and burn
I crash and burn

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 21. septembris

21. septembris.! part 2

And what a horrible evening it is.
Es laikam esmu the biggest loser ever, jo cik gan cilvēki savas dzimšanasdienas vakarā, var pazaudēt 7 draugus, no kuriem 2 bija tiešām tuvi. Pietam nemaz netiekoties ar viņiem visiem aci pret aci..
Un jā.. saņemtais "Tagad nopietni. Pilnīgi apzinos, ka muldēju pilnīgā bezsakarā. Piedod par šito visu marazmu. Man žēl, ja tevi apgrūtinu, es apzinos, ka man ir jāmaina kkas savā galvā. Viss. Arlabunakti" vai tas ko mainīs..? ehh...

21. septembris.!

Šis ieraksts šeit ir tikai tādēļ, ka manā dzimenē tak nevar nebūt ieraksts. kamõn. :D
Birthday.. today.. and what a wonderful day it is ^____^

piektdiena, 2009. gada 18. septembris

Saraksts ar lietām, kas manī pēdējā laikā ir nomirušas, or tika izdzēstas.

1) Mazais puika.
2) Jebkāds dzīves skatījums izņemot reālais.
3) Daļa pozitīvisma.
4) Jebkāda veida depresijas.
5) Dziļas domas.
6) Vēlme klausīties mūziku.
7) Pārliekais izvēlīgums attiecībā uz citiem cilvēkiem.
8) Ticība citu spēkiem un rīcībām.
9) Vēlme braukt ar skrituļslidām.
10) Vēlme cilvēkus izzināt pilnībā.
11) Vēlme klausīties Harija Potera un Filozofu Akmeņa audiogrāmatu.
12) Rukša smilga.
13) Vēlme dabūt atpakaļ savus baložus.
14) Okyo.
1) Īpašās īsziņas, vecajā telefonā.
2) Vecais telefons.
3) Otrs vecais telefons.
4) To abu telefonu simkartes.
5) Jebkas, kas atgādina par pagātnes foršajiem brīžiem, kas vairs neliekas forši.
6) Jebkas, kas atgādina par pagātnes neforšajiem brīžiem.
7) Foršākā atmiņa - pirms 2 gadiem, dzimšanas diena, kad biju sportlandā un saņēmu vienu no savas dzīves foršakajiem zvaniem.
8) Pāris dziesmas, kas vairs neliek smaidīt, bet skumt.
9) Pieņemsim, ka skype.
10) 28.03.2007 [23:12]
11) A few hundred pictures
12) Video ar chatu skypā, kurš ieilga līdz 4iem naktī.
13) A few bookmarks in mozilla.
14) A couple of dozens of poems.

Nu ja, I guess man tas ir beidzot arī izdevies, nemaz nebija tik grūti.

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 17. septembris

Peņveidīgais uz vāka.

Interesanta diena kopumā šodien sanāca.
Nu jau trešo rītu pamodos solot sev pieturēties pie jaunā dzīvesveida.
Neaizgāju uz pirmo lekciju, ierados uz otro, pirms kuras man pateica, ka pirmajā - matemātikā visiem bija vnk blackout. Tēma vienkārši sick.
Forši. Sākās lekcija pie foršās Gailes-Sarkanes. Dabūju 2 pimpjus uzzīmētus uz vāka no pimpjapsēstajiem Jāņa un Edgara, Jānis dabūja 3, un Edgars dabūja 1, bet uz lapas ko bija jānodod, ha. Nu ja, tad peldēšanas rezultāti, un esmu 2. ātrākais IEVF fakultātē, nāiss, nebūtu noticis tas nelielais atgadījums gan jau būtu 1, so I guess I'll have my revenge ^__^. Nu jā bet tas viss ir figņa.
Šodien ejot uz Spici notika, kaut kas interesants. Seriously, that looked so good, even I wanted to start wearing violet. Rēspekt.
Ūn jā, cilvēki saka, ka vieglākais veids kā likt love-veidīgām sāpēm pazust ir naids.
Tas ir tik interesanti ja uz to paskatās no vairākām pusēm. No vienas - naids ir slikta lieta un jā, bet tam nav jābūt atklātam, tas var būt vienkārši cilvēkā iekšā, nevienam nekaitējot. Un otra lieta ir, ka lielākās sāpes jau cilvēki citiem izdara nejau aiz naida, bet aiz vēlmes, viņuprāt, pasargāt. So rodas jautājums, ko labāk darīt, ienīst sev tuvos, vai censties tos pasargāt no apkārtējām sliktām lietām.?

How can we fake this and take anymore
looking up blindly and try to ignore ?
its better to miss it, there's no point of view
its only a problem when it happens to you

well thanks for making this so easy
what's the point if it's so easy
why the fuck is it so easy
why's it don't you say ?

'cause we're doing fine
and we don't need to be told
and we're doing fine
'cause we won't give you control
and we don't need anything from you
and we'll be just fine
'cause we won't be bought and sold
just like you

lies in the sender when nothing is true ?
don't be surprised when it comes back to you
are you on a mission to lose our control
or waiting for tragedy to unfold

what makes you think that it's so easy
don't believe it will be so easy
why the fuck would it be so easy
why's it don't you say

'cause we're doing fine
and we don't need to be told
and we're doing fine
'cause we won't give you control
and we don't need anything from you
and we'll be just fine
'cause we won't be bought and sold
just like you

so how long has this gone
i don't see this ending
it's too late we can't change
what has now begun
we act like it's not right
why are we pretending
we've been wrong for so long
we've known this all along

you created these problems
and you don't know what to do
you know you can't solve them
and you can't be bothered to
you created these problems
and you don't know what to do
you know you can't solve them
and you can't be bothered to

'cause we're doing fine
and we don't need to be told
and we're doing fine
'cause we won't give you control
and we don't need anything from you
and we'll be just fine
'cause we won't be bought and sold
just like you

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 14. septembris


Lūgums aizmirst and nemeklēt. Šoreiz.

Some say we're never meant to grow up
I'm sure they never knew enough
I know the pressures won't go
It's too late

Find out the difference somehow
It's too late to even have faith
Don't think things will ever change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Seems like everything we knew
Turned out were never even true
Don't trust, things will ever change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all it's so easy after all

Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all
Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all


Stāsts ir beidzies. Galvā viss labi, sirdī arī, tikai vēderā pretīga sajūta.
un jā.. 6,5,4,3,2,1. Guess I won't have to post that blogieraksts up anyway, you did it for me. ^^
Buj everyone ^______^

svētdiena, 2009. gada 13. septembris


Fall down, pull the rug under me

Death note.

Šī jocīgā sajūta.. tik neierasta un dziļa..
It kā tu esi ziedojis savu dzīvi, lai atrastu savu ienaidnieku un uzvarēt to.. bet tu nemaz nenojaut, ka tavs galvenais sabiedrotais, izrādās ir tieši šis ienaidnieks, kurš to vien gaida, kā tevi nobeigt.. Tu to nojaut, bet nespēj nekā pierādīt.. Nekas nenotiek tev par labu. Tu dziļi iekšā jūti ka esi zaudējis. Uzkāp uz jumta, ārā līst.. un nejau smidzina, bet tiešām gāž. Tu stāvi tur un apdomā visu, kas līdz šim ir noticis. Uz jumta parādās tavs, tā saucamais sabiedrotais. Un jautā, kādēļ tu tur viens pats stāvi. Tu parādi ka neko nedzirdi. Viņš atkārto skaļāk, tu joprojām rādi ka neko nedzirdi. Viņš nāk tev tuvāk, nujau arī slapjš, jo lai tikt pie tevis ir jāiziet ārā no pajumtes. Viņš jautā tev vēlreiz. Tu saki, ka nedari neko noteiktu, vienkārši dzirdi zvanu.. Viņs jautā "Zvanu?". Tu saki, jā, zvans šodien ir neierasti skaļš, zvana visu dienu.. interesanti vai tā ir baznīca, vai kāzas, vai varbūt.. Viņš tevi pārtrauc un saka ka neko nedzird. Tu jautā vai tiešām? Viņš saka, lai tu beidz, un lai nākat iekšā. Tu saki, ka nu ja.. es tavā vietā arī nekam no tā neticētu, un tā jūs lēnām ejiet uz durvju pusi, un šis zvans tev galvā vēl joprojām skan. Īstenībā tu ļoti labi zini, ka šis "sabiedrotais" ir tieši tas cilvēks ko tu meklē, jo viņš ir tavs galvenais ienaidnieks, bet bez pierādījumiem, tev neviens neticēs.. jūs ienākat iekšā, un apsēžaties uz trepēm. abi slaukat nost ūdeni. Tu saproti, ka drīz, visdrīzāk šodien, tu tiksi oficiāli atzīts pa zaudētāju, un viss beigsies. Tu atceries savu dzīvi. Savu bērnību.. Ak dievs cik nesen vēl tas viss bija. Jūs ienākat otrā telpā, kur stāv visi tavi sabiedrotie, kas visu šo laiku tev ir palīdzējuši meklēt šo tavu ienaidnieku, kurš bija iefiltrējies jūsu starpā.. Tu paziņo savu pēdejo plānu, kā šo cilvēku atrast, un tieši tajā brīdī, vienu milisekundi pirms notiek tā lieta, no ka tu baidījies, tev acu priekšā paskrien visa tava dzīve, tu atkal atceries visu, kas līdz šim ir bijis. Tava sirds izdara vienu pēdējo, nedabīgi spēcīgo pukstienu, un beidz darboties. Sirds trieka. Tu, kā palēninātā filmā krīti lejā no krēsla, kamēr visi uz to noskatās. Tavs ienaidnieks lec tev pakaļ un noķer tevi tieši pirms tu nokrīti zemē. Tur tevi savās rokās un izskatās noraizējies. Tava sirds vairs nestrādā, tev viss velkas lēni, rit pēdējā tavas dzīves sekunde.. Kamēr tavi plakstiņi slīd ciet, tu redzi, kā ienaidnieka seja, apkārtējiem nemanot, mainās.. Viņš izveido smīnu. Tadu mazu, nemanāmu smaidiņu, tādējādi tev pierādot, ka tev bija taisnība, tomēr tieši viņš bija tavs ienaidnieks, kas visu šo laiku ir tēlojis, ka ir tavs sabiedrotais, un galvenais palīgs. Tu saproti, ka tieši šis zvans, skanēja tajā brīdi kad piedzimi, baznīcā pāri ielai.. Tavas acis ir ciet. Viss ir beidzies. Un tagad zvans.. vairs nezvana.

Rebirth, Confrontation, Dealings, Pursuit, Tactics, Unraveling, Overcast, Glare, Encounter, Doubt, Assault, Love, Confession, Friend, Wager, Decision, Execution, Ally, Makeshift, Performance, Guidance, Frenzy, Revival, Silence, Renewal, Abduction, Impatience, Justice, Transfer, Selection, Scorn, Vigilance, Malice, New world.


We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
Under this sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn long over-due
We crawl... all over you
To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away

Best band ever.

in the face of change
that's when she turned to me and said,
"i'm not sure anymore..."
and there amidst the waves
and the cloudless skies
that blanket the year before
i watch my life wash a shore

have you ever been a part of something
that you thought would never end?
and then of course it did

Where everything's nothing.

Cilvēki sniedzas pēc nesasniedzamā. Forši? Nez. Bet tā nu tas ir.
Man tik ļoti šurp gribas šo to iekopēt, bet tas nebūtu pēc noteikumiem..
So jā, būs vien šoreiz jāiztiek..
Interesanta sajūta, kad noskaņojums nesakrīt ar sajūtām, bet nu nekas, pieņemsim ka man tīk. Kaut gan ne pārāk. Tik daudz reižu putra galvā jau bijusi, tā kā jau pietiek.
Anyway, šodienas doma ir jautājums uz kuru nav jāatbild skaļi.
Cik reižu tiecoties pēc sev vēlamā, esi attei[cies/kusies] no visa, kas pieder, un vai rezultāts bija tā vērts?
Un par labo - šodien bija 2 labas lietas, SMS par apakšbiksēm, kas lika pasmaidīt, un labas ziņas no drauga.. Kūūl.^^. oh, un vēl L961 CAMO.
Par slikto - Dave has left us.


sestdiena, 2009. gada 12. septembris

Today's anthem.

Today is a winding road
Thats taking me to places that I didnt want to go, whoa
Today in the blink of an eye
Im holding on to something and I do not know why I tried

I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation; what Im feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I dont know, whoa
Today Im on my own
I cant move a muscle and I cant pick up the phone, I dont know

And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside, just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

Yeah Im walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think Ill make it out but you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain

Today is a winding road
Thats taking me to places that I didnt want to go, whoa

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Oh baby bring on the pain
And listen to the thunder

Un šodienas domu grauds - Man iekšā ir tāds miers.
Tāda dīvaina apziņa ka viss ir tā kā tam jābūt. Viss ir pareizi.
Viss ir.. labi. Dīvaini.. kā cilvēks zaudē visu, tā ar laiciņu rodas šī interesantā sajūta.. Samierināšanās? Nezinu gan. Padošanās? Nebūt ne. Vienaldzība? Diezin vai.
Tāda sajūta, ka neko darīt nevajag, jo viss ir kā vajag, nekas nav jālabo, jāmaina, jāpabeidz, jāizbeidz, jāierauga, jānosit.. To vienkārši.. nevajag darīt..
It kā jau jauki, vienīgais nevar sevi piespiest neko darīt.. Tā it kā sēdētu kaut kādā,nezinu, matemātikā, ar piemēru kurš jāatrisina, bet es to vienkārši nedaru.
Tāpat man tagad ir lieta, par kuru vajadzētu padomāt, un saprast.. bet es to vienkārši nedaru.. es nemēģinu.. ak dievs, that's so new to me.
Interesanti vai tas tā būs tikai šodien, un mostoties no rīta, tabiš pēc kādām 6h, viss būs kā agrāk? Jām.. dīvaini ir apjēgt ka esi zaudējis visu, kas vien bijis tieši tavs.. visu, ko nevienam citam nevajag, tikai tev, bet tieši citi tev to ir atņēmuši. Un nafig viņiem to.. oh well.

Thunder is so great. It's so deep, so lovely, mysterious and special... and yet it's never seen. Only heard.. *repeats the chorus in his head*

piektdiena, 2009. gada 11. septembris


Dīvaini.. Es nezinu kāpēc tagad ir kā ir..
bet.. ir ^________^
IIIIIIIRRRRRRR ^______________^
So right. So alive. So purrrrfect. ^^'
I missed this feeling.. ^^

The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you oh so bad it hurts.
Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We're spinning on a roller coaster ride
With the world stuck in black and white
You drove me crazy every time we touched

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 10. septembris

Love drunk.

There's just one thing
That would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I'm hungover
Love is forever
But now I'm sober
So dont call me crazy
I'm checking into rehab
Say hello then goodbye.

P.S. charts are fun :D

trešdiena, 2009. gada 9. septembris

Šitie labi vārdi..

I stand here with arms down
not heated i've calmed down.
its just i felt you slipped away like you didn't even know me
oh like you didn't even care about the life thats is for us

only only only for us
only only only for us

before you stand around what are you doing
cause everything around thus will be ruined
again when i have to search for what we had
when the path disappears

its just that it pains me
to know that you don't feel me
through all mistakes we had overcomed never thought this be the one
oh i guess this life will always have a way reminding us it fades

like us like us it fades away
like us like us it fades away

before you stand around what are you doing
cause everything around thus will be ruined
again when i have to search for what we had
when the path disappears

Leave it alone.

I addressed this letter to "dear you"
I know "you" is complete unknown
I guess it's better you don't bother
All our truth should be left alone
Be left alone
Be left alone

I learned all the things you never showed me
Took the chances you'd have blown
And to this day, the one and only,
You remain a complete unknown.

You're out there somewhere,
But I don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown.

So many years I've been ignored,
You'd been gone without a trace

I'm getting used to knowing you're just a name without a face
Without a face
Without a face.

You're out there somewhere,
But I don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown

I addressed this letter to "dear you"
I know you is complete unknown
I guess it's better you don't bother
All our truth should be left alone

You're out there somewhere,
But I don't know if you care, at all,
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come,
So you remain a complete unknown

I haven't been home for a while
I'm sure everything's the same
Mom and Dad both in denial
An only child to take the blame

Sorry, Mom, but I don't miss you
Father's no name you deserve
I'm just a kid with no ambitions
Wouldn't come home for the world

Never know what I've become
The king of all that's said and done
The forgotten son

This city's buried in defeat
I walk along these no-name streets
Wave goodbye to home

As I fall...

At the dead-end I begin
To burn a bridge of innocence
Satisfaction guaranteed
A pillow-weight catastrophe

On a mission nowhere bound
Inhibitions underground
A shallow grave I
Have dug all by myself

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me

As far as I can tell
It's just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself?
'Cause I don't know what I just said

Far is where I fell
Maybe I'm better off dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Is this as good as it gets?

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me

To save me, to save me, to save me, to save me

And now I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong

A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It's too late to save me

I will be home in a while
You don't have to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world

otrdiena, 2009. gada 8. septembris

You have no idea... seriously. [underline this word]

Mja, tas paliek arvien vieglāk un vieglāk katru dienu.
Viss pats it kā norit, un pakārtojas, tā, ka savādāk nemaz nevar notikt.
Un arī visas dziesmas, kas man pēdējā laikā iepatikušās ir par šo tēmu..
Bet nu jā, I guess dzīvē tā nu ir iekārtots..
Vismaz labi ka katram cilvēkam ir savs veids kā atcerēties savas dzīves notikumus, man piemēram tas ir ar smaržu.
Es joprojām atceros sava bērnu dārza smaržu, es atceros pirmās skolas dienas smaržu, es atceros arī tavu smaržu, un ir tāds prieks, kad jebkuru no tām sajūti ejot vienkārši pa ielu, āk dies' kādas atmiņas tas paceļ.
Daudzi ir tādi kam uznāk doma kādu dienu nozust. Vienam cilvēkam tas ir no viņa pilsētas, citam tas ir vienkārši savā istabā, vēl kādam tas varbūt ir pazušana no skaipa vai draugiem, un dažiem, gluži vienkārši pazust, doties uz citiem medību laukiem. Un kāpēc cilvēki to dara? Jo viņiem viss ir apnicis, viņi grib pabūt vieni, varbūt vēlas sākt dzīvi no jauna, varbūt vienkārši atpūsties no visa ierastā, vai arī jo viņi no kāda izvairās, itkā vienkārši.. un jā.. ir gan.
Ja uz to tiešām tā paskatās, tad nozust, jebkurā veidā ir tik vienkārši.
Tā kā tajā klišejā, kad kāds izstiepj roku naktī līdz mēnesim, un cenšas tam pieskarties, un izskatās jau ka pieskarās, bet īstenībā ne un saka "tik tuvu, bet tik tālu".. nu ja, īstenībā nozust ir tik vienkārši, itkā tiešām tu tā varētu paņemt mēnesi, ielikt sev kabatā, un egoistiski nēsāt sev līdzi, jo nu tu esi viens, un tev līdzās ir kaut kas tāds, pēc kā ilgojās visi tie, kas palikuši.
Tik jauki, ja tu zini kas ir tavs "mēness"... Un ir tik.. tik viegli nozust..
So yeah..

Time, its been so long
And now there's nothing to say
I'm trying so hard to find the words to say
I'm tired of being, now I'm something I'm not
I can't believe and I never thought
Days would come to an end
Well maybe someday we'll meet again
If ever that day never comes
It would be too soon
My love

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.

If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.

On my own...

I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

You'll always be the one for me. Won't you?

pirmdiena, 2009. gada 7. septembris


Mja, drausmīga sajūta, ejot lejā no vanšu tilta uz ķīpsalu redzēt kā tev deguna priekšā mašīna notriec riteņbraucēju. Ritenis sašķaidīts, cilvēks ar asiņainu seju un galvu guļ pāris metru attālumā no mašīnas, kurai priekša sašķaidīta, un nummurzīme mētājas uz zemes..


Been down and I'm wondering why
These little black clouds keep walking around with me, with me
Waste time and I'd rather be high
Think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile but be free, be all free
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

I look around at a beautifiul life
I been the upper side of down; been the inside of out but we breathe, we breathe

I wanna breeze and an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean, wanna take my time for me, it's all free

So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home


Should I trust the dream I had tonight?
Runā, ka ja sapnis ir par tagadni un tuvāko nākotni, tad tas piepildās.
Mnja, tas gan būtu interesanti.

svētdiena, 2009. gada 6. septembris

No difference.

You're running fast and missing but cannot help
The reasons you gave me are all wearing thin.
It's not meant to hurt you but let me assure you,
It's not what I said but intentions you've read.

So when you hold onto the past then you
Will break down what little is left.
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.
It makes no difference to me.

Now that you're older life's weighing on your
You can't seem to keep things so perfectly straight.
With most things so basic you might as well face it.
You can't help but worry it's all just begun

So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.

It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference

So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.

It makes no difference
It makes no difference to me [music]

ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 3. septembris

Sen jau dzejoļi nebija rakstīti.. Tātad reku viens..

In days without sunlight
Overflown with cold nights
I go on remembering my own life
I think about friends, family and love
I know about a state of mind
When water seems dry
And days so lonesome
When nights just tempt me
To do the wrong thing
To cut open both of my wrists
Suffocate myself with a twist
These days so hard and harder fights
I greet my life without my rights
After lonely days and sleepless nights
I blame myself to erase my mind
Synthesized right inside is my artificial happiness
The only way to survive
I guess I’ve been lost along the way
It shouldn't last forever
But these days so hard in my way
Seems they never, never end
Torn, disgraced and disgusted,
Denied, thrown and distrusted.
Now it's over.
When it’s night or day
You are going to notice
Notice that the time has come
In a brand new day
I'll forget what I already lived
And start my new-way life today.


.. pāršķirta.

If a nightmare in my closet really did exist Who
grew up and noticed that the other one was missed?
Who was scared to turn and look when I was safe in
bed? Was it there for me that had the ghastly
monster's head?

Were you the creature? Please won't you tell me?

There's a nightmare in my closet; it's never gone
away More and now I've noticed that I'm growin up
afraid Who was scared to turn and look when I was
safe in bed? Was it there for me that had the
ghastly monster's head?

trešdiena, 2009. gada 2. septembris


Nu jam, 1. septembris nosvinēts. Studentu klubs pirmo reizi kā studentam, nu ja. fõrši.
Toms piepisies, Jānis copē, Jurģis krata sirdi, un mani some random person izaicināja par to, ka mani uzaicinās draugos [like, that's SO important]. Jā, un pickup lines are fun, specially if you're not the one saying them, but receiving them instead. :D
"Čau, ko tik bēdīgs? Atnāci nocopēt meiteni bet neizdevās?"
Nu jā foršs suns, kas mēģināja atrakt vaļā asfaltu, laikam a bit ritarded, but he was cute. Aukstums, un vienaldzība pret aukstumu, šķiet kādas... 20 minūtes nostāvēju netālu no tējas namiņa nekustoties for no reason whatsoever.? Tik galvā vislaik skan Robyn - Be Mine piedziedājums.
Nu ja, būs kādreiz jāatkārto. Kaspars iztērē 28 Ls uz 2 bols pudelēm, why not. Laikam Rūtiņai ir diezgan pamatīga ietekme uz to čali. :D Nu jā.. un.. farewells said to two of our close friends who are leaving for the goddamned UK.
Un jā tad foršais rīts ceļoties ķengaragā, lai vilktos uz foršajām lekcijām, netīram, pretīgam un ar nodzertu balsi. Nu vismaz meitenēm bija smiekli, prieciņš.
P.S. Laikam tomēr atmetīšu dzeršanu.
P.S.S. Es ļoti gribu uz gojju, tik sen nav tur būts. :(
P.S.S.S. Dienas frāzīte "It's so easy to turn away, but so hard to start running, and even harder to start walking."

otrdiena, 2009. gada 1. septembris

September 1st

Un tā nu pienāca šī tik ļoti negaidītā diena.. nejau studiju dēļ..
Es tā to nevēlējos un jā, tomēr saņēmu šo piedāvājumu, kura rezultātā no kaut kā jāatsakās, lai dabūt kaut ko mazāk vērtu.
Sāpīgi, bēt nu I knew it was comming, so kinda glad, ka es tam jau biju sagatavojies.
This day sucks, just like I knew it would, un rukša smilga ir jau galīgi vārga un noliekusies..
Nāk dusmas, kuras izlādēt tik ļoti labi palīdz Ryashona Warzone. ghrr..
Nu ja.. things are going to be different now..
Un ja, vismaz plusiņš, ka šodien studentu klubā iesim pirmo reizi kā studenti.. nu vismaz oficiāli nevis mānoties. :D Incanti kas tur īsti šodien būs plānojams, ūn interesanti kādus pazīstamus purnus tur sastapšu šoreiz, varbūt atkal elmāru, kas pat kājās nostāvēt nevar, or jurģi kas pa trepēm ripo lejā, kāpēc gan ne.. :D

"So studder studder I couldn't quite slip it
No no no no
This is the last time you'll see me
This is the last time you'll see me
Check your mood ring, cause I bet it's green
Cause I'm a jackass
Well I'm a jackass
Yeah I'm a jackass"

Secrets in Stereo - Happy, Ryashon - Warzone. Honor by August - Unbreakable, Five times august - Better with you