sestdiena, 2010. gada 31. jūlijs

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 29. jūlijs


I burn her smile into my memory
And leave..
"Please come again tomorrow."
In the first place, don't you see me as someone, who wasn't supposed to be seen like anyone else?
Isn't this an appearance and situation where you should look like you're worrying that someone might see?

svētdiena, 2010. gada 25. jūlijs

Clannad + Clannad After Story.

Labākais anime, ko vien esmu redzējis.
Sākumā biju skeptisks, kad sāku skatīties.. bet..
Kā lai to pasaka.. Visas mūsdienu filmas un seriāli un viss pārējais vnk totāli nobāl šitā priekšā.. Nja.. Slice of life. :(

Theme song :

Mīlu dziesmas nobeigumu :x

Iesaku šito brīnumu ekrānā noskatīties visiem.. liek par daudz ko aizdomāties..
Kā ir, kad iegūsti milzīgu laimi, un tad.. zaudē tiešām visu ..Kā manās tava dzīve..
Kā mainies pats.. Emocionāls gabals.. ļoti.. ļoti..

piektdiena, 2010. gada 23. jūlijs


I was watching a crystal clear dream..
An eternity so tender.
A faint voice like the wind..
Is calling for me from high up in the sky.

If we fly off we can go anywhere,
If a fragment of the future..
Can be seen between held hands..
Then in the light..
Words and thoughts..
Sway back and forth.
I'll be sure to pass them to you..
In the distance..
Without leaving anything behind.

C. : A.

The Goodbye at the end of Summer.
Search for Lake Love.
Disagreeing Hearts.
With the same smile as that Day.
The Season You were in.
Forever by your Side.
Her Whereabouts.
Valiant Fight.
En Route on the Sloped road.
Season of Beginnings.
The promised Founder's festival.
Sudden Events.
A New Family.
In the Remains of Summer.
White Darkness.
The Ends of the Earth.
The Road Home.
The Tidal Breeze's Mischief.
The End of the World.
Small Palms.

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 22. jūlijs


The hill you once walked down
Was now covered with many spots of sunlight.
I'm standing here alone,
Remembering all the heart-warming memories.

You were the one..
You were the one who I loved.
My eyes start to water from the wind,
And you become a distant figure.

I will remember no matter the changes,
Just this one thing, this one thing, though it's a plain thing.
I will show it to you, this one thing covered in glory.
Forever and ever I will hold it dear.

I always remember,
Even if everything changes,
Just that one and only thing,
That happened to be commonplace,
That one thing that showed its full brilliance,
Always, always protecting.


The flowing clouds gazed upon.
The feeling of change in the sky's color.
Were what we noticed when we stopped.
At the song spinning around the world...
Like pulling in a stretched finger.
Looking for the one thing that hasn't changed..

The hand holding the lamp overhead.
To the small sign continuing into tomorrow.

Even now it still echoes,
The thing you said..
Changing the oath on that day,
And I go..

trešdiena, 2010. gada 21. jūlijs

svētdiena, 2010. gada 18. jūlijs


Vēl viens 4 gadus vecs mērķis piepildīts.
I've seen "Hysteria" Live. Zomg I love that song.
Ūn labākais ka viņi to nospēlēja uzreiz kā es iebļāvos "Histēriju!" ^___^
Ūn "Starlight" arī same story ^___^
Vispār pasākums superbumbulīgi izdevies, satikti, ja nekļūdos, 18 draugi/paziņas kurus nebija plānots satikt, tai skaitā arī Agnesi, ūn es nemaz nezināju ka viņa jau ir atpakaļ no Norvēģijas ^__^.
Bija funny redzēt Madaras "O_O :O" kad viņa ieraudzīja mani, lai gan I'm not sure why she had a face like that.. :D
Nu ja.. pozitīvisms uzkrāts..
Tagad - miegu, jo tas pēdejo 5 nakšu laikā nav bijis garāks par 2h. (sun)
Rīt uz sarkandaugavas kapiem, nolikt puķīti...
Parīt.. nu jā.. that other thing.. :S

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 15. jūlijs

One big hit..

..Is all it takes for you to change completely.

Es biju cilvēks, kurš visur meklēja dziļāku jēgu,
kurš visur to arī atrada,
kurš reti kaut ko svarīgu padarīja līdz galam,
kurš bija spītīgs un neapņēmīgs vienlaicīgi,
kurš bija muļķis,
citiem vārdiem.. kurš bija iemīlējies.

I will wake up next to you.
I am done with this.

trešdiena, 2010. gada 14. jūlijs


Tagad es zinu kāda ir sajūta, kad nomirst draugs.
And it sucks.
R.I.P. Kristap, we're missing you.

pirmdiena, 2010. gada 12. jūlijs


Domas : Stay out of my dreams. >_<

Noskaņa :

Mix my medicine.

Es sev nepatīku. Kaut kas ir jāmaina.


sestdiena, 2010. gada 10. jūlijs


What I have forgotten.. is your warmth.
The repeated sound of sorrowful footsteps..
I call out for an opening..
The fragments of memories.

Can you believe it ?

Šis bija mans bloga ieraksts Nr 300.. Daudz..


ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 8. jūlijs

Piemirsās vakar šito ierakstīt.

Naktī pirms "vakardienas" man bija sapnis. [like beidzot]
Ūn pašās sapņā beigās tur uzradās nelūgts viesis..
She was in green she looked cute.
And to think, that I thought it'd be over by now.
Nū nekas, vismaz labi apzināties, ka sapņi ātri piemirstas ūn es jau tagad neko daudz neatceros.

Okijõ turpina ēst picu ūn skatīies Fairy Tail.
Õsom, [don't sēi gūdbai.]

otrdiena, 2010. gada 6. jūlijs

For me to know.

Sono egao wo hitorijime shitaku naruno

Ohayou no kisu sasete.

Kimi no mirai mimamorasete.

svētdiena, 2010. gada 4. jūlijs

piektdiena, 2010. gada 2. jūlijs


It's 1:18 a.m. and it's my second entry today..

Tikko parunājos ar Ievu bišk savādāk kā citas retās reizes.
Pirmo reizi dzīvē mums bija kaut cik nopietna saruna and it was weird.
Bet nu jā, viņa tagad guļ ūn man ir domiņa galvā, par kuru aizdomājoties,
atausa daudzi mirkļi no savas dzīves, kuri varēja izvērsties citādāk.
As the title says : "Blindness"
Dīvaina lieta tas aklums, un es nedomāju to aklumu kad tu ar acīm neko neredzi, bet gan to, kur lietas tev riņķī notiek, un tu gluži vienkārši to neievēro. Attiecības protams tur ieņem 1. vietu, jo nevienmēr viens no diviem pamana ko tas otrs mēģina tur sadarīt.
Ūn jā.. atcerējos vienu konkrētu reizi jūrā, pirms, tieši nepateikšu, bet, domāju ka četr-ar-pus gadiem..
The moment was there, but I didn't wanna risk losing what we had, ūn nu jā rezultāts mūsdienās ir veiksmīgs.
Nav boy-girl attiecību, kas varētu būt, but we're still best friends.
Atcerējos arī citus mirkļus, periodus u.c. laika mērvienības un bāc.. ja man apzinoties viņu ir tik daudz, tad interesanti cik man ir paslīdējuši garām caur tā saucamo "Blindside".?
Bail iedomāties..
Vēlējos pirms kādas pus stundas nomainīt draugos beidzot profilbildi, atvēru savu bilžu folderīti ūn neatradu nevienu kcik normālu bildi kur es būtu viens, but no biggie.
Tad, ja jau bilžu folderīts bij vaļā, atvēru "The 'people' pic folder", ūn izgāju cauri dažām sejām.. dažiem čatu logiem.. dažiem video.. daudzām atmiņām.. labām atmiņām.. I miss all that, bet nu, as the saying goes, Neskaties uz aizmuguri, tu tur jau es visu redzējis.. Pie velna to teicienu, paskatīties atpakaļ ir jauki. protams ka skumji, bet iekšā ir tik silta sajūta.. You look at a face, you remember what they said or did, and you're in love all over again.
Tik smieklīgi paskatīties uz to, kāds es pats biju, kā runāju, izskatījos utt.. Nu ja.. tagad I guess es esmu tāds puikiņš, kādas meitenes man pašam nepatīk. Tāds čaulā, paslēpies un vairs ne gluži atvērts. Ne gluži godīgs. Bet nu melot gan es joprojām netaisos, hate.
Silti vārdi šodien. --->

I'm staring down this empty street
And its cold but I am walking
To the place where all roads meet
And its just the past and me
A tattoo and a scar
And the man in the tv

Every time I walk away
I see a picture of a face
It's a photograph that
makes me wonder why
Now I stand here on my own
And I'm finally letting go
Its time to say goodbye

So down this road I travel now
Pass broken buildings where
I look for truth,
were they true to me, no
Every step is stepped with doubt
But still I walk here trying
to find some peace
Will I find peace?

Every time I walk away
Isee a picture of a face
It's a photograph that makes
me wonder why
Now I stand here on my own
And I'm finally letting go
Its time to say goodbye

Nothings gonna stand in my way
No, nothing no nothing
will stand in my way
Nothings gonna stand
in my way, yeah, hey

Every time I walk away
Isee a picture of a face
It's a photograph that
makes me wonder why
Now I stand here on my own
And I'm finally letting go
Its time to say goodbye

Hi world, hi future, I'm ready for you now.

Always know the words to your baby song.

Always know the road you're riding on
Always know the words to your baby's song
Try to make the most of Friday nights when they come

Maybe turn a stranger to a friend
Never break a heart that's on the mend
Never let the romance ever end like I've done

Never judge a color of a skin
Never judge a person by their kin
Never follow leaders that begin behind someone

Always help your mom across the street
Always wash your hands when you wanna eat
But always keep em dirty enough to see where you came from

And its OK to cry
If you feel it comin on
It'll let you know you're human in the end
All these things will mean more when I'm gone
Just be good until then

Try to see the best inside the bad
No matter how many drinks you had
Never make a promise you'll regret come sunrise

Try to rarely ever oversleep
Always keep your ego at your feet
Maybe try to practice what you preach once in a while

It's OK to cry
If you feel it comin on
It'll let you know you're human in the end
All these things will mean more when I'm gone
Just be good until then

Everybody loves a hero
Not so much when they fall short so
Try to keep your cape on underneath

You don't have to try so hard
To be the best. Just know you are
And that's all that'll matter to me

And its OK to cry
If you feel it comin on
It'll let you know you're human in the end
All these things will mean more when