ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 25. jūnijs
Slikts. Vol.2.
Seventeen years have gone
Eighteen and then you started crying,
because everything I did was wrong
Nineteen years old and you still havent learned,
played with the fire and you're going to get burned (music)
Why do I do this to you :<.
Waking up past noon again
Figured out I have no friends
Sit around in dirty clothes
Sanity, it comes and goes
Can a doctor fix my brain?
Noone even knows my name
Checking all my vital signs
Let me know I'm still alive
Last time
I promised myself I would change
I will change
I wonder, wonder why
Every day we live our lives, the same
I wonder, wonder why
We give up before we try, to change
Work a job from 9 'til 5
Settle for a trophy wife
Rent a house and buy a car
Growin' up is way too hard
I never wanna be
Mr. Prosperity
Some rules were meant to break
I'll do things my own way
Last time
I promised myself I would change
I will change
I wonder, wonder why
Every day we live our lives, the same
I wonder, wonder why
We give up before we try, to change
This time
I am getting better
And I feel fine
Nothing is forever
And I wonder, wonder why
We give up before we try, to change
Why can't we change?
Oh oh why can't we change?
Oh, why can't we change?
Oh, why can't we change?
I wonder, wonder why
Every day we live our lives, the same
I wonder, wonder why
We give up before we try, to change
This time
I've promised myself I would change...
piektdiena, 2009. gada 19. jūnijs
ir gandrīz 3 naktī un viņš sēž un raksta jebko kas tik ienāk prātā.
Sēž un domā par to kāda dzīve ir tagad. Par to kā viņa tik krasi izmainījās pirms gandrīz vai gada.. no vienas puses viņam viss ir labi, un lielākā daļa cilvēku viņa vietā būtu ļoti laimīgi, bet kādēļ viņš, pat esot laimīgs, tomēr sēž šeit un raksta šos vārdus?
Kādēļ viņš gandrīz katru dienu atceras vienu cilvēku, ar kuru ir pavadījis tik kādas 30 minūtes no savas dzīves? Viņa dzīve ir nedaudz vairāk par 410 tūkstošiem minūšu, kādēļ viņam tik svarīgas ir tieši šīs 30, kuras nebūt nebija tik labas, cik varēja būt? Varbūt tieši tādēļ? Diez vai, jo viņam tādas lietas nepatīk.. man.. tādas lietas nepatīk.. tādi notikumi..
kādēļ viņš joprojām šad tad uzvelk skrituļslidas, vai arī vienkārši iekāpj autobusā, un dodas uz poliklīniku, nejau pie ārsta, bet uz autobusa pieturu, kas turpat vien ir, lai paskatīties, vai tur, kas ir mainījies, bet katru reizi saprot ka viss tomēr ir tā pat kā bija pagājšreiz..
Kādēļ viņš pastaigājas garām mājai, pie kuras reiz samīļoja vienu cilvēku, un ar jocīgām sajūtām apskata sarkanu mašīnu, kas nezin kāpēc šķiet kaut kur redzēta. Kādēļ viņu galīgi neuztrauc, ka viņš īpaši nepatīk apkaimes suņiem un mašīnām, kas brauc garām.. Kādēļ.. KĀDĒĻ..
Viņš iet pa ceļu, kurā reiz kādu apturēja, paņēma viņas galvu savās rokās, un piespieda paskatīties uz luktura gaismu, sakot ka tur kaut kas ir, bet īstenībā, darīja to tikai tādēļ, ka gribēja pieskarties un pārliecināties, ka viņš tur nav viens.. Aiziet zem tilta, kurš viņam nez kāpēc šķita ļoti īpašs, un viņa tik nodomāja ka viņš ir muļķis, bet viņam bija vienalga, viņam bija labi, viņš kaut ko gribēja, pat nezināja ko.. bet viņš zin ka viņš tad, tur, to nedabūja, bet viņam arī tas bija vienalga. Atceros, kā viņi stāvēja viens no otra kādu 5-6 metru attālumā un strīdējās, vai iet tālāk, vai palikt tur pat, un tad viņš ieslēdza dziesmu, kura viņiem bija īpaša, cerot ar to kaut ko panākt, bet arī ar to viņš neko nesaņēma.. Viņš samierinājās un piekrita pamest to tiltu, kas viņam bija nezin kādēļ tik īpašs, atstāja tur savas cerības izdabūt no tā tilta kaut ko, ko varētu kādam pastāstīt, kaut kādu brīnumu, kaut vai ka tur zem tilta parādītos kaut kāds jocīgs portāls un no turienes izlīstu kaut kas pilnīgi negaidīts.. Bet jā.. viņš piekrita pamest to vietu, un devās gar krauju pakaļ viņai, garām žogiem pa pauguriem, un tad viņš saprata ka viņš tur ir viens, jo viņa ir aizgājusi tālāk.. viņš pagāja uz priekšu līdz vietai kur ceļš sadalījās, un nevienā pusē viņš nevienu neredzēja. Viņš jutās tik vientuļš. Viņš nezināja kur viņš ir. Zinu tikai, ka viņš devās atpakaļ, garām žogiem, kraujai, līdz tiltam. Līdz tiltam, zem kura viņš apsēdās un joprojām gaidīja kādu brīnumu, bet šoreiz viņš gribēja tur satikt cilvēku.. it nemaz ne negaidītu, bet tieši vienu cilvēku. To kurš tikko vēl bija tur. Bet diemžēl.. Nu jā.. tā nu viņš gāja projām no turienes, pa aukstumu.. vai es jau teicu, ka tad bija ļoti auksts? Beidzot pēc vairākiem telefonzvaniem, viņš saņēma vienu pretī ar vārdiem "Kaut ko gribēji..?" Šie vārdi bija tik.. auksti. Ar tādu jocīgu smīnu, it kā neveiklu.. Bet bija jau par vēlu, viņā iekšā mazais brīnums kas tovakar viņā mājoja bija jau nosalis, un viņš neko vairs nevēlējās. Viņš gribēja tikai siltumā, un to meklēt viņš devās uz soliņa.. kur viņš sēdēja ilgi. klusumā. it kā viens, bet nē. un nosala.. viņš nejuta ne kāju, ne roku pirkstus. nosalis bija viss. Tad viņš piecēlās, pavadīja viņu līdz mājai, mājai kurā dega gaisma.. un aizgāja, un neatcerās no tā vakara vairāk neko, izņemot to, ka autobuss bija klāt tieši laikā, it kā tā būtu zīme, ka viņš tajā vietā pavadīja tieši tik laika, cik vajadzēja..
Dīvains vakars.. Neaizmirstams vakars.. Bet kādēļ..?
trešdiena, 2009. gada 17. jūnijs
Rainy days
She didn't even try and I was blown away.
I can't help my attraction,
It's a chemical reaction and
It's here to stay.
Love is something that you need,
It's just like water to the trees
Only want it more and more.
And in a sick society it's like
A healing melody
But now she's out the door.
Hello goodbye is all she said,
But she won't seem to leave my head.
I'm so tired of the, so tired of the rainy days,
I'm so tired of the rainy days.
For a second it was there,
I sat down in my chair and
Tried to figure out.
Something clever I could say
About the weather, how's your day,
What's your book about?
I've got nothing left to lose.
Why do I always seem to choose to
Let it pass me by, all by.
I just go on with the day,
I've got so much I want to say.
And I'm just asking why.
Hello goodbye is all she said,
But she won't seem to leave my head.
I'm so tired of the,
So tired of the rainy days,
I'm so tired of the rainy days.
Maybe I'll see her on another day,
When the moon and stars
Finally have their way,
In the meantime
I'll be wondering why why, why.
Hello goodbye is all she said,
But she won't seem to leave my head.
I'm so tired of the,
So tired of the rainy days,
I'm so tired of the rainy days.
Oh the rainy days,
I'm so tired of the rainy days,
So tired of the rainy days,
No no no more rainy days
otrdiena, 2009. gada 2. jūnijs
Fly away.
She took off all her things and sailed away.
Now all that I have is a note that says "I'm never coming back"
She doesn't know,
I let her go.
I see her pass me by from time to time.
Never close enough to say 'Hello'
And into the air she drifts away, never coming, never, no.
She doesn't know,
I let her go.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
Away from here.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
To disappear.
To fly away...
The one you love the most is gone again,
She took off all her things and sailed away.
Now all that I have is a note that says "I'm never coming back"
She doesn't know
I let her go.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
Away from here.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
To disappear...
When she goes, I see how beautiful we are.
When she goes, I see how beautiful we are.
How beautiful we are,
When we walk away.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
Away from here.
And now we are free,
Free as a bird.
To fly away,
Away from here.
Now we are free,
Free as a bird.
Free as a bird...
Never know
You held my hand, you had my heart
Nothing could seperate us when we were young, looks like were running out of time
And every night I kinda wish she never started over.
She gave it up and doesn't even wanna know that im still waiting
One more day in paradise holding on for the last time why she cries herself to sleep I will never know.
Lost my heart in paradise tore it out when she said good bye.
All we had is over now, She will be alone..
Another broken promise i'm not alright.
I've got her figured out this time.
Shes hollowed out and empty, choking for air.
Under the ocean of her lies.
And every night I kinda wish she never started over.
She gave it up and doesn't even wanna know that im still waiting
One more day in paradise holding on for the last time why she cries herself to sleep. I will never know.
lost my heart in paradise, tore it out when she said goodbye.
all we had is over now she will be alone...
And I will always be there, and I will always be there, yeaa always be here
Bleeding, im bleeding, Dying im dying
Bleeding, im bleeding, Dying im dying
One more day in paradise, holding on for the last time. why she cries herself to sleep, I will never know.
Lost my heart in paradise tore it out when she said good bye.
All we had is over now, She will be alone
And I will always be there, and I will always be there, yeaa always be....... Here
Rides again - It's too late
I feel as cold as a burnt our love song
Look how we fell out of line
Not even heaven could save us this time
It's too late
Don't go trying to be the hero
If you can't save yourself
Don't try giving me your whole life
If you want someone else
Oh I am only a man
I've only given you all that I am
So go and throw me away
I wanna know that I'm just a mistake
It's too late
Tell me your, your secrets
They feel so wrong
Tell me you are leaving
I knew all along
We are going crazy
Yeah so they say
If it's really over, get out of my way
Get out of my way
I don't know where I belong
I feel as cold as a burnt out love song
It's too late
It's too late